Club membership, payment and player registration have now been streamlined using the RFU Game Management System (GMS) to make it easier for you to take control of the information held about you, and enable the club to simplify the membership and registration process.

All members will need to have a GMS account which will form your rugby record and will follow you through your playing career, whether you remain with H&F RFC or relocate to another club. Your record will hold your personal details, playing details, medical information etc, so it is important that your record is kept up to date.

Log In

Log in to the RFU Game Management system to edit, update or amend your details and renew your club membership


Forgotten your password? Or didn’t know you had one? Click the login link and then click ‘forgot password’. You will be sent a password reset link to the email address associated with your account.

For help with GMS contact admin@fulhamrugby.co.uk