Hammers 5s v Old Streetonians

The third long journey to North East London of the fledgling season was upon the 5s having many question whether this is in fact a SW league. Old Street 3s were the opposition and despite having mixed results this season looked a sizeable bunch and had a big squad in comparison to the 5s bare bench.

The 5s started with characteristic intensity with Cusition recently back from injury dumping the kick off receiver in to touch. The resulting pass off clean line out ball was intercepted by what must have been Usain Bolt for the lack of offside call. Not the ideal first touch of the ball for debutant 9 Myles Green in a Hammers jersey but poor reffing was not going to stop him having a stellar first run out. Some solid support running from Mr. Whippy off a line break and a smart draw and pass to Drysdale opened the scoring. Drysdale was finally willing to run following a positive assessment of the turf.

Old Street had some big runners and although tackling wasn’t quite up to the standard of the season so far they were largely kept at bay and could rarely capitalise on momentum. Following the first couple of tries from the 5s Old Street had the ball for the next 15 minutes and were finally able to get on the scoreboard despite a clear hold up. This shocked all back in to sticking to the game plan and the rest of the half although competitive saw the 5s in control and in possession with a couple of good counter attacking tries particularly from debutant Wright breaking the 5s record for a single game with 5 tries.

The second half was a more free flowing affair with Old Street beginning to tire and seeing the game out of sight. A rare hooker hat-trick from Danby with some good support and loose ball gathering capped a solid contribution from the tight 5 with 100% line out and scrum retention and plenty of turned over ball. Off the solid set piece and breakdown the service and game management from new 9/10 partnership of Green and Duffy was outstanding.

Heavy legs began to take a toll on some of the more mobile 5s. Thomson can be forgiven after another outstanding game all round for taking it easy after sustaining a knock. However young Jack Mitchell after subbing himself at half time due to over indulging the previous night returned fresh to the pitch late in the second half to take the ball in support with 30m clear to the line. What followed can only be described as an engine breakdown and hard living catching up, the poor lad came to a stuttering crawl before throwing the ball away and having to live with the shame of having a far faster older brother. Some clear soul searching took place back in the changing rooms and on the social.

Overall a solid performance played in good spirits sees the 5s march on unbeaten in to a top of the table clash against Quins.

Tries: Wright x5, Drysdale x2, Mitchell Snr x2, Danby x3, Davies x1,

Cons: Danby x11

MoMs: Gauthier & Wright

DoD: Green