Hammers 4s fight hard and fight well.

As luck would have it the sun was out at Hurlingham Park last Saturday, but many puddles remained on the pitch after the torrential down pours during the week. I’ll come back to one puddle in particular in due course.The atmosphere was a little subdued, not sure why. After a tentative warm-up and a bit of ground maintenance by Seb Money, filling in a giant rabbit hole, the game kicked off against Whitton Lions. They were definitely the bigger team, but we were determined and kicked off well and after a crunching first hit, Whitton Lions were on the back foot. Following a knock-on, we had an attacking scrum on the left hand side, which we won, but the follow on move did not go so well. Undeterred, we kept making meters as Whitton Lions kept kicking us the ball as they cleared their lines. Finally, off an attacking scrum, Charlie Parry trundled over the line thinking that he had scored. But it was not be, the ball was held up by Whitton Lions. Several phases later, after some well executed play, Charlie Parry did earn us some points, which were topped up by the conversion.More phases were played and following a clearing kick, a long game of ‘kick tennis’ began. Several minutes later, and following some angry looks form the forwards, who were starting to feel left out, Nathan Wooley made a darting run up the right hand side of the touch line. He launched a floating pass (well suited to a basketball court) causing a moment of confusion between Joel Mariner and Jake Cheetham as they both jumped up to receive the pass. Joel Mariner got the better airborne position, caught the ball and Jake Cheetham landed face down in the one muddle puddle on the entire pitch. He stumbled to his feet, arm out-stretched requesting a towel service to wipe his hands, which was met with much hysterical laughter. With no towel forthcoming Nathan Wooley obliged with his shirt – the youth of today!The next score came from Whitton Lions off a driving maul, closely followed by a well executed try from Cyprian Dumont, his first of the day, followed by a successful conversion. All set for half time, Hammersmith & Fulham, let their guard down and Whitton Lions squeezed in another try from a pick and go – two meters out from the base of the ruck. Half time, finally.The second half was less frantic. The first score came from Hammersmith & Fulham. Cyprian Dumont made a line break and gave a ‘Sonny Bill Williams -esque’ offload to Joel Mariner who walked in untouched under the posts. Lovely! Whitton Lions responded with another try after a favourable bounce, but no conversion followed. Hammers maintained their lead.After a very well placed penalty kick into to the corner by Joel Mariner, the forwards produced more excellent phases of play resulting in Cyprian Dumont crashing over the line for his second try. Seb Money, true to form, picked his moment to make substitutions – the entire bench – giving us fresh legs. With a spring in our stride, Seb Norris was a able to score in the corner, putting Hammers further ahead. Not to be out done, Whitton Lions slipped in another try, and successfully converted. With the score line tight, Hammers were not done yet clocking up points. Seb Norris charged up the pitch and was tackled by the fullback, but with Hammers reinforcements on hand to continue to make up ground to the 5 meter line, the ball magically arrived back in Seb Norris’ hands and he walked over the the line. Our stamina prevailed and we successfully controlled a late surge by Whitton Lions. Final score 40-24 to the mighty Hammers, hard fought and well. deserved victory.MOTM Cypian DumontDOTD Jake Cheetham